If you're a serious steelhead junkie and want the ultimate fishing experience, consider booking a Deschutes River Camp Trip with Larimer Outfitters. This is sage brush steelheading at it's best! With endless fly water, strong runs of fish, and overwhelming beauty, the lower Deschutes River may be the greatest summer steelhead fishery on the planet.
Deschutes steelhead are amazing fish. Most are the beautiful, sleek, one salt summer steelhead that weigh five to seven pounds. What they lack in size, they make up for in heart. Their size is by design however. Their slender build allows them to ascend even the smallest spawning tributaries. The river see痴 its share of eight to twelve pound two salt fish as well. What separates the lower Deschutes from most rivers is the stray steelhead from other Columbia River tributaries. During the mid-summer, the Columbia can reach water temperatures in the low seventies. Fish bound for other rivers will often pull into the lower fifteen miles of the Deschutes to escape the heat. When this happens, the guides at Larimer Outfitters have had days with over 30 fish coming to the fly. It can get crazy! Deschutes steelhead show up in fishable numbers by the 4th of July and continue pouring into the river mouth through November.
Your trip will begin at Heritage Landing at the mouth of the Deschutes River in the early afternoon. Heritage is located about fifteen minutes east of The Dalles, Oregon. From there, you ascend the river's amazing canyon in their comfortable 20' jet boats to a campsite up river. Many folks comment that the jet sled ride is worth the price of admission alone! As you climb up the breathtaking, high desert canyon, you値l bash up the five massive rapids that guard the Lower Deschutes. The guides and camp host will set up your camp prior to your arrival. Your camp will be on a beautiful piece of steelhead water. Despite the fact that you値l be in the wilderness, the camp is very comfortable.

You'll spend the following days Spey fishing some of the best steelhead water in the Northwest. Your days will begin fishing camp water with floating lines while breakfast is prepared. After a quick bite to eat, you値l head out in the jet boat to fish new water. As the sun rises in the sky, you'll switch over to sink-tips and larger flies. After a hard morning of fishing, you値l return to camp for big lunch and a relaxing afternoon. Most folks elect to grab a nap after lunch although camp water is fair game. In the late afternoon, you値l head out in search of different pools. Typically, the guides will head back to camp with enough time to fish the home pool. Days will finish with a light dinner and cocktails under the desert sky.
Larimer Outfitters' guide staff specializes in Spey casting for Deschutes steelhead. If you're new to Spey casting, they値l have plenty of extra two-handed rods for you to use. While there is a learning curve to Spey casting, most folks get the hang of it within the first fifteen minutes. If you're already casting a two-hander, look forward to adding some new skills to your game. The guides at Larimer Outfitters are the best in the business.
A camp trip is a great way to experience everything the Deschutes has to offer. You will become completely immersed in the river, the steelhead, the wildlife, and the breathtaking desert canyon. It truly is a trip of a lifetime.
If you would like to fish the Deschutes with Larimer Outfitters, give them a call at