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Steelhead Articles

Photo by: Tom Larimer

Hooking Steelhead: Loop or no Loop? That is the Question

So you are fishing well. Your luscious looking steelhead fly is probing the river and you are thinking that the tug is coming at any second. Are you really ready for this? The bite, that is. When it finally comes, will you pin that fish or will the hook simply fall away into river shrouded obscurity? [read more]

Sink-tips for Winter Steelhead
By: Tom Larimer

One of the big challenges of winter steelheading is how quickly the water conditions and the attitude of the fish change. As an angler, you need to adjust your sink-tips accordingly. Given the fact that you get so little positive feedback as a winter steelheader, this is the most demanding aspect of the game. However, there are a few elements that can help you form an educated guess of what sink-tip to fish. [read more]

Reflections of 2012 Steelhead Season
December 12th, 2012

It is my in-between season and I am now changing gears. I’m back on the rainy-side of the state, spending my time in the cabin on the river. The shortest days of the year coupled with the dark and rainy weather have had me burning extra wood in the stove. I watch the high and brown river flow past my living room waiting for it to turn green. My hopes are high for a winter of great fishing. So far the season looks very promising and I have already seen many great winter fish over the last month. More than I can remember for this time in any other years past. I can’t wait to get back out there and see what this years winter season has in store! [continue reading - on our blog]

Steelhead Tips – The Importance of Fishing Short
November 12th, 2012

You’ve got your spey in hand, that rod that can cast great gobs of line, and you can hardly wait to start bombing casts way out to that place where the fish are. You step into the tip of the run and start haphazardly tearing off line and while you do, your fly is swimming not more than 10 feet away from you and it gets hammered by a fish. Chances are, you lost that one because it could not have been a bigger surprise. Does this sound familiar? If not, just wait… It happens with some regularity. [read more]

Steelhead Fishing Tips - Winter

Now that it’s getting cooler and fish are a little less willing to chase flies way up in the water column, I thought I would pass on a few notes about cold-water steelhead presentation. Of course, steelhead are a mysterious lot and at times they shatter expectations. When the planets align they will certainly rise up to flies on floating lines. It happens, however if this is the way you choose to fish, then you must accept the fact that it might take you a very long time to touch a steelhead. As we move into winter, here’s a few things to bolster your chances while seeking these fish. [continue reading - on our blog]

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