BC West - Dean River

British Columbia’s Dean River is on the “Bucket List” of every true steelheader. Ever notice how when someone mentions he has fished the Dean, they do so with almost cult status? There’s a glimmer in their eyes too. They speak so longingly of the river you’d swear they were talking about an old friend rather than the steelhead and salmon Mecca it is. These conversations really make you wonder why those that have fished its hollowed waters come back changed men.
Many folks would argue the Dean is the greatest steelhead river in the world. All we can say is the whole experience is pure magic. The river has a feel like no other place... Huge snow capped mountains tower above you as your fly swings through some of the most seductive steelhead and salmon water you've ever fished. Every turn of the river unfolds another breathtaking scene. Even the air up there has electricity in it. Everything about the experience seems to stimulate your senses.
All that said, what separates the Dean from all the others is its amazing summer steelhead. There is no other race of steelhead that equals the strength and stamina of a Dean fish. The brutal determination of these fish is attributed to the massive falls that separates the upper and lower river. The falls insure only the strongest fish make the gene pool. Couple the strongest steelhead in the world with the fact that you're fishing for them only minutes out of the salt water and you get a recipe for some serious steelhead ass beatings! If you've never fought a Dean River steelhead, their raw power and beauty will have you begging for more. Steelhead start showing up on the Dean in late June and continue to pour into the river through August.
If you’re a two-handed steelhead junkie looking for a new drug, the Dean is also one of the best rivers to chase chrome-plated king salmon on the fly. Kings are the next steelhead! Many folks think of kings as a fish to be pursued with jet boats, big plugs wrapped with smelly bait, and heavy back-trolling gear. This perception exists because there just isn’t that many great king rivers that fish well with a fly. However, the Dean is perfect for it. If you’re ready to take your two-handed fishing to the next level, head to BC West in mid-June through mid-July. It’s a great time to fish the river because you’ll often times find both kings and steelhead.
Deneki Outdoors’ BC West Lodge is located on the lower river, downstream of the falls. The lodge sits in a beautiful setting surrounded by massive glacial peaks. The accommodations and staff are world class all the way. The charming guest cabins are comfortable, clean and warm. A beautiful lounge building is perfect for evening cocktails and sharing the day's events. More so, the guides and lodge staff at BC West is top notch. They will go out of their way to ensure you have the trip of a lifetime. And then there’s the food… In all our destination fly fishing travel, we have yet to find a menu that equals that of BC West... The cuisine is out of this world!
Half of your time at BC West will be spend fishing out of a Dean River jet boat below the falls. The runs in the lower river will blow you away. Pools like Tony's, Cut Bank, Bills, and Archeological are the places dreams come true. The other half of your week will be spend above the falls. All Terrain Vehicles (ATV's) are used to access the upper river. Once above the canyon, the lodge has strategically placed pontoon boats that allow you to access the other side of the river. The beautiful pools of the upper river offer some of the best dry fly steelhead fishing on the planet.
With its incredible steelhead and salmon, mind-blowing Spey water, & beautiful scenery, the Dean is one of those spaces you must visit before you die. The gracious staff at BC West will only add to this incredible adventure in the wilds of British Columbia.
If you would like to become part of the Dean River cult, give them a call at 1(800) 344-3628 or go to http://www.deneki.com/bcwest/

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